Celebrating the Beauty of Adoption
The Clio DH Axilrod Foundation was incorporated in December 2009 in memory of Clio DaHyun Axilrod. Our mission is to provide services to adopted children, their families, and those whose lives are touched by adoption — to help them explore the unique challenges that adopted children face. To this end, we have established Camp Clio, a summer camp where adopted children can share and explore their adoption stories with other adopted children in a safe, non-judgmental, and fun environment.
The Clio DH Axilrod Foundation is a 501 c (3) tax-exempt organization.

Clios Story, the Inspiration
“Where Clio come from?” That was the first time my 2-year-old daughter, Clio DaHyun Axilrod asked about her birth story. We would have many more challenging conversations during her short life. “I’m going to wash your arm until it’s the same color as mine.” “What is my tummy mom’s name?” Adopted at 4 ½ months from Korea, Clio would look through picture books of Korea, searching for her own picture. I dyed my hair darker so our hair would be closer in color. Clio enjoyed school but never wanted me to leave. She clung tightly to me at bedtime.
Dealing with the trauma of early separation was a major part of Clio’s life journey. And this journey continues in one way or another for huge numbers of adopted children who almost all ask themselves: Who am I, where did I come from, and why is my birth story different?

February 15, 2002 - August 23, 2009

Camp Clio in the Press
2012 – The Day: At Camp Clio Children Find a Sense of Self
2013 – The Day: Adopted Kids Share Stories at Camp in Lyme
2014 – NY Times Parenting Blog: When Divorce Magnifies Adoption’s Losses
2015 – OurTown, OurTown Downtown, Westside Spirit, Chelsea Clinton News: A Special Camp for Adopted Kids